
Contact UBS Switzerland

Before publishing the contact details you need to get permission. Unfortunately, the competent Greek speaking at UBS missing since Tuesday. So a little patience.
Comments (1)
1 Saturday, 29 May 2010 00:28
Thank plates. I will wait until Tuesday. than I realized I should call transfer through a bank rather than through e-banking. They will give me e-banking only and not for monitoring movements. I also told at least to be preserved to my account there is 175 000 euros. In fact just the money will be parked with a few odds uribor rate of about 0.50% and if you extrapolate from them the 35% tax on interest, do not know if anything is left. Please ask for the costs of transfer, which bank has lower and indeed through e-baniking not or simply do not understand well. Then tell me if I wanted to take them write letters or fax. The costs of remittance from there to Greece is like here or much more. Indeed, the whole process (dil.anoigma Account account) is remote, it will send me forms to sign and will epikyrososta ADS. Hope you are safe. I'm in the final straight, and you will kathysichazate if they replied to my questions.