Daily deals close to Stop2Shop - : Municipality Naples - Sykeon - Health

County Thessaloniki

1.3 km from Stop2Shop -
Ζαχαροπλαστείο Καρδάσης
Kalamaria 8,8/10
Sykies 8,8/10
Dimos Neapolis - Sykeon, Dimos Kalamarias, Nomos THessalonikis, Makedonia
MASSAGE, Reflexology
€9,90  Ζαχαροπλαστείο ΚαρδάσηςCalm and Therapeutic MASSAGE - Reflexology - Rejuvance - Lymphatic MASSAGE - MASSAGE with suckers - Deal expiried 19/10/2019 00:00   39 αγορές
1.7 km from Stop2Shop -

Neapoli, Panelladika, Dimos Neapolis - Sykeon, Nomos THessalonikis, Makedonia  
Teeth, Cleaning Tooth , Products, Cleaning
€7,90  digitaland.grParts for electrical toothbrushes compatible with the more models Braun Oral-B! Deal is valid up to and 30/11/2014, Mon. - Sat. 09.00 - 17.00 . Every coupon is individual and applies to the purchase spares for electrical toothbrushes, compatible with the more models Braun Oral-B (except from Sonic and CrossAction), with free nationwide shipping from the E shop DIGITALAND. Specifically Choose a from the follows: 4 Parts Precision Clean where εισχωρούν at more difficult points for deep cleaning, thanks in asymmetric surface . 8 Parts Precision Clean where εισχωρούν at more difficult points for deep cleaning, thanks in asymmetric surface the Best price . 4 Parts Dual Clean with twice surface βουρτσίσματος from the common Parts! Εισχωρούν at more difficult points for deep cleaning, thanks in asymmetric surface the. - Deal expiried 01/12/2014 21:59   159 αγορές
4.1 km from Stop2Shop -
Ζαχαροπλαστείο Καρδάσης
Kalamaria 8,8/10
Sykies 8,8/10
Dimos Neapolis - Sykeon, Dimos Kalamarias, Nomos THessalonikis, Makedonia
MASSAGE, Reflexology
€9,90  Ζαχαροπλαστείο ΚαρδάσηςCalm and Therapeutic MASSAGE - Reflexology - Rejuvance - Lymphatic MASSAGE - MASSAGE with suckers - Deal expiried 19/10/2019 00:00   39 αγορές