Daily deals close to Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari

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Chania Rethymno Kolimbari Georgioupolis Netherlands Δαράτσο
0.7 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari

Golden Rose Suites
Kolympari, Nomos Xanion, Kriti  
Golden Rose SuitesGolden Rose Suites - Κολυμβάρι, Χανιά, Κρήτη ✦ 4 Ημέρες (3 Διανυκτερεύσεις) ✦ 2 άτομα + 1 παιδί έως 2 ετών ✦ 2 ✦ 01/05/2025 έως 26/10/2025 ✦ Κοντά στην παραλία! - Λήξη προσφοράς: 24/01/2025 17:00 
Rating of the Golden ROSE Suites through Booking.com , based on 10 reviews: 9,2/10
Rating of the Golden ROSE through TripAdvisor, based on 235 reviews: 9/10
100 αγορές
10.6 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Iolkos Hotel Apartments
Kato Daratso, Nomos Xanion, Kriti  
Iolkos Hotel ApartmentsIolkos Hotel Apartments - Κάτω Δαράτσο, Κρήτη ✦ 2 Ημέρες (1 Διανυκτέρευση) ✦ 2 άτομα + 1 παιδί έως 2 ετών ✦ 1 ✦ 01/04/2025 έως 30/06/2025 ✦ Δίπλα στην παραλία! - Λήξη προσφοράς: 24/01/2025 17:00 
Rating of the Iolkos Hotel Apartments through Booking.com , based on 229 reviews: 9,4/10
Rating of the IOLKOS Hotel Apartments CHANIA through TripAdvisor, based on 52 reviews: 10/10
100 αγορές
12.6 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Civitel Akali Hotel
Xania, Nomos Xanion, Kriti  
  €115,42  Civitel Akali Hotel4* Civitel Akali Hotel | Chania. The Top deals hotels - Offer expires: 14/03/2025 00:00  
Rating of the Civitel Akali Hotel through Booking.com , based on 61 reviews: 8,6/10
Rating of the CIVITEL AKALI Hotel through TripAdvisor, based on 304 reviews: 8/10
100 αγορές
31 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari

Georgioupolis Resort
Georgioupoli, Nomos Xanion, Kriti  
  €174  Georgioupolis Resort5* Georgioupolis Resort & Aqua Park | Georgioupolis, Chania. The Top deals hotels - Offer expires: 14/03/2025 00:00  
Rating of the Georgioupolis Resort & Aqua Park through Booking.com , based on 171 reviews: 8,6/10
Rating of the GEORGIOUPOLIS Resort AQUA Park And Spa through TripAdvisor, based on 343 reviews: 8/10
100 αγορές
39 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Petradi Beach Lounge Hotel
Rethymno, Nomos Rethymnis, Kriti  
Petradi Beach Lounge HotelPetradi Beach Lounge Hotel - Ρέθυμνο, Κρήτη ✦ 3 Ημέρες (2 Διανυκτερεύσεις) ✦ 2 άτομα ✦ 20 ✦ 01/05/2025 έως 31/10/2025 ✦ Ιδιωτική παραλία! - Λήξη προσφοράς: 24/01/2025 17:00 
Rating of the Petradi Beach Lounge Hotel through Booking.com , based on 301 reviews: 8,3/10
Rating of the PETRADI Beach Hotel through TripAdvisor, based on 159 reviews: 8/10
100 αγορές
40 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Rimondi Boutique Hotel
Rethymno, Nomos Rethymnis, Kriti  
  €97,75  Rimondi Boutique Hotel4* Rimondi Boutique Hotel | Rethymno, Crete. The Top deals hotels - Offer expires: 14/03/2025 00:00  
Rating of the Rimondi Boutique Hotel - Small Luxury Hotels of the World through Booking.com , based on 496 reviews: 9,1/10
Rating of the RIMONDI Boutique HOTELS through TripAdvisor, based on 871 reviews: 10/10
100 αγορές
40 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Jo An Palace
Rethymno, Nomos Rethymnis, Kriti  
Jo An Palace4* Jo An Palace Hotel - Ρέθυμνο, Κρήτη ✦ 2 Ημέρες (1 Διανυκτέρευση) ✦ 2 άτομα + 1 παιδί έως 1 έτους ✦ 2 ✦ έως 28/02/2025 ✦ Στο κέντρο της παλιάς πόλης! - Λήξη προσφοράς: 24/01/2025 17:00 
Rating of the Jo An Palace through Booking.com , based on 275 reviews: 8,6/10
Rating of the JO through TripAdvisor, based on 252 reviews: 8/10
100 αγορές
42 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Grecotel Plaza Spa Apartments
Rethymno, Nomos Rethymnis, Kriti  
  €86  Grecotel Plaza Spa Apartments4* Grecotel Plaza Spa Apartments | Rethymno. The Top deals hotels - Offer expires: 14/03/2025 00:00  
Rating of the Grecotel Plaza Beach House through Booking.com , based on 325 reviews: 8,2/10
Rating of the GRECOTEL Plaza Beach House through TripAdvisor, based on 217 reviews: 8/10
100 αγορές
43 km from Chryssana Beach Hotel - Kolimbari
Grecotel Creta Palace
Rethymno, Nomos Rethymnis, Kriti  
  €164  Grecotel Creta Palace5* Grecotel Creta Palace | Μυσσίρια, Rethymno. The Top deals hotels - Offer expires: 08/03/2025 00:00  
Rating of the Grecotel Creta Palace through Booking.com , based on 219 reviews: 8,8/10
Rating of the GRECOTEL CRETA Palace through TripAdvisor, based on 1514 reviews: 9/10
100 αγορές