Piraeus Bank - Cash Manager
Written by Απορημένος_άνθρωπας Thursday, 07 January 2010 21:23
This is a comment on "Fixed deposits"
Comments (3)
upologismos tokwn
Friday, 28 May 2010 13:55
Geia sas, mporw na rwthsw kati??? Pws ginetai na upologisw tous tokous mias pro8esmiakhs kata8eshs diarkeias 12 mhnwn otan auth exei sta8ero epitokio 2,6% kai apodosh tokwn ana mhna??? Sthn ousia einai to poso pou kata8etw * 2,6 / 100 = tokos kai meta kanw tokos * 12 gia na upologisw posa eurw 8a parw sunolika gia 1 etos?? Kai epishs an den eixa mhniaia apodosh tokwn alla eixa apodosh tokwn sth lhksh ths kata8eshs, tote pws ginetai o upologismwn tou sunolikou kerdous?? Euxaristw polu
Comments (2)
Saturday, 09 January 2010 12:06
Ο Τσιγκούνης
The logical statement is correct and the amount about it. If you calculate and compound interest will have 2-4 million fee the first year. In addition to the Cash Manager of Piraeus should define how much you want to have available every week. This amount is less interest and should not be calculated with 14.000.
Comments (1)
Cash Manager
Friday, 08 January 2010 13:57
Almost as many will get. Just the bank calculates days rather than months.