Last Updated on Saturday, 27 June 2009 10:08
Written by ΚΩΣΤΗΣ
Friday, 12 June 2009 17:24
Think we all know KEDR Bank, which earlier this year surprised everyone by offering 7.2% interest rate for annual term deposits. Unfortunately the very high interest rate did not last long, is already 5.2%. I was informed, however, that there is potential exposure to the deferred KEDR Bank in Russia which offers 8% annual deposit of up to 9% for two years. The good news is that the opening can be deferred from Athens through the store KEDR Bank Avenue Avenue. No need to travel as it would be necessary if you eg open futures Piraeus Bank in Ukraine. You only need a copy of your passport. Do you mind that however you will be charged a total of around 150 euros (depending on the amount of the deposit) as charges for opening the forward, sending money to Russia and returned at the end. The Deposit Guarantee Fund covers deposits in Russia up to 700,000 rubles or about 20,000 euros. Those bold, rushing for more information and store KEDR Bank Avenue Avenue ...