Rates usually apply to new accounts. 10% tax is excluded.
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Fixed deposits
Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 July 2011 23:04 Written by Ο Τσιγκούνης Friday, 20 March 2009 21:07
Έχουν αλλαχθεί τα επιτόκια
Έχει ενδιαφέροντα επιτόκια (αυτή την περίοδο), πάνω από το μέσο όρο της αγοράς, χωρίς να απαιτείται υψηλό ποσό.
Τα επιτόκια στους προθεσμιακούς «Ανεβαίνω Extra» άλλαξαν (δυστυχώς)
Φίλε tsig το επιτόκιο για 15-νη κατάθεση στην τράπεζα Δωδεκανήσου ( 4,5% ) δεν ισχύει πλέον.
Ίσχυε μέχρι 30/08/2013
many words are poverty. A friend of mine (a large rodent) was kind enough to send me the rates offered by the Ukrainian bank PrivatBank Cyprus.
Anyone can make available 150,000 to five years, has received 12.5% annual rate with monthly interest payments! A trip to Larnaca enough!
Of course there are other options for smaller budgets.
Take a look by clicking on the bottom of the page (Deposit rates).
Afternoon children, I have a figure of EUR 15 000 and see that the largest forward rate is the Russian KEDR.Na to trust you say;;; need anything above and especially to open an account there;;
Unfortunately, today I went to renew my futures, informed me that dropped from today the interest rates. C. ... My misfortune.
But I would suggest everyone to lead to cooperative bank trapezes.Sygkekrimena continent is growing all the sizes and deposit rates are among the best in the market.
Does anyone know where I can deposit futures KEDR Bank in through one of the "Correspondent Banking" which states; I'll phone and ask, but if there is any more rapid response is welcome.
perhaps deserves to look forward and the millenium? The truth is that the site also does not say much ... but worth the trouble to ask children.